Veterinary Blog in Chicago

My Project (3)

Travel Ideas “Fur” You and Your Pet

With winter coming to an end and warmer weather starting to make its way back, it’s time to get to work on those spring break plans this year! Although we are still dealing with a few COVID-19 restrictions, we have the benefit of being able to plan around it this year! There…

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Chicago’s Extreme Cold Can Be Dangerous For Pets

Each winter, Chicago experiences periods of extreme cold. Sub-freezing temperatures and below can mean extreme danger for people and pets in our West Loop community. Our West Loop Veterinary Care team answers some common questions regarding pets and the cold weather dangers.   What are some of the dangers to pets during…

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Keep Pets Safe During Holidays

The winter holidays often bring festivities, travel, and a change in routines for pets and their owners. These activities and change in routine for pets contributes to making the period from Thanksgiving through the New Year one of the busiest at veterinary hospitals. The holiday season presents pets with lots of opportunities…

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How to Know When Your Pet Needs Emergency Care

The winter holiday season is one of the busiest times at veterinary hospitals and veterinary emergency centers as our pets find plenty of opportunities to get into trouble and need emergency care. That is certainly true here at West Loop Veterinary Care. Often, when pets need emergency care, every minute counts. Many…

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What is Leptospirosis in Dogs and How Common is it in Chicago, IL?

No one wants their dog to get sick, especially when that illness can also be passed on to people. Leptospirosis is one of these diseases that can be easily passed from animals to humans. However, the Leptospirosis vaccine is one that often causes a lot of confusion for new and even long-time…

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Cat Care & Behavior

August 22 is Take Your Cat To The Vet Day! As a Certified Cat Friendly Practice, our team at West Loop Veterinary Care is committed to the health and well-being of our feline friends. We know that one of the most effective ways to make certain our cats are happy and healthy…

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What Your Cat is Trying to Say: Cat Body Language in Chicago, IL

Have you ever wondered what your cat would say to you if they could talk? Many humans spend a lot of time wondering what’s going through the minds of their cats, and if you do this too, you’re not alone. But did you know that you can tell a lot about a…

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6 Signs Your Pet Needs to See the Emergency Veterinarian in Chicago, IL

There are many instances in which a pet might need to see an emergency veterinarian. September is Responsible Dog Ownership Month, and part of responsible ownership is being aware of and prepared for situations that could constitute an emergency. Here are six common signs that your pet should visit West Loop Veterinary…

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Microchips: Reunite with Lost Pets in Chicago and the West Loop

The statistics regarding lost pets are sobering. The American Humane Association estimates that more than 10 million dogs and cats are separated from their owners each year through theft or because they become lost. The American Kennel Club estimates that one out of three dogs will go missing from its family in…

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How to tell if your Dog Has Seasonal Allergies and Ways to Help in Chicago, IL

Spring, summer, and fall bring many seasonal allergies for pets. We’ll take a closer look at signs of allergies in dogs, and offer some tips on their prevention and treatment. Many seasonal allergy symptoms are similar to those of other conditions, so it’s important to be aware of the symptoms and know…

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West Loop:
(312) 421-2275

(312) 766-5959